Saturday, June 27, 2020

Love & 65 Years Together

July 2, 1955 & Love
Coming up in a few days is a great event for us. On that day, we will have been married 65 years, or 23,725 days, or even 569,400 hours.  And during that long period, we two have been in a state sometimes known as LOVE.

So, what is LOVE?

Love seems to be a state of energy that flows between two human entities.  Sometimes it’s between a man and a woman, but often between an adult and a child, or between two adults of the same gender.  The gender doesn’t matter, although often people pretend that it does matter.

The energy flow is a form of attractant that makes humans want to be close, both physically and even mentally.  It means that the involved humans want to be near one another, and to talk with one another, and to physically touch one another, and to share experiences together.  Sometimes, the attractant extends to include sexual congress, but that is simply one of the many forms the LOVE attractant may take.  There is frequently great confusion between love and sexual congress. When engaging in sexual activities, including intercourse, people often claim Love. But such activity is merely one happy activity that is included within the broader domain of Love.

And we, Richard & Carol Schmidt, have been engaged in a happy state of Love for coming on 65 years.   Does that mean that we never quarrel, or disagree? No, of course not. A happy life together includes many bumps in the road, including some serious swerves to one side or another. But the happy life never loses its energy, and there is always that happy life that survives the many bumps and swerves that life tosses at us all.

Over that 65 years, we have shared so many happy experiences, and traveled to so many exotic places. Now, sitting here in our pandemic-imposed stay-at-home status, we have our memories of travels to 22 countries and all 50 states. Some trips became a life for a while—India, for example over four years, and including the arrival of our third wonderful child.  But all of our trips provided us with evidence that the world’s differences are to be celebrated, as are all humans.

As the years have fallen away, one by one, we have changed physically, and hopefully matured mentally. But we have always believed that humankind is to be celebrated. Those who choose to ignore that rule, live always in a state of ignorance. And such humans are to be pitied and then set aside, to make room for all the loving, caring people we have come to know as a part of our lives together.

So, we celebrate LIFE and our happy 65 years together. May all people experience the joy that has remained with us for all those happy years.  And we illustrate below our life together. Yes, we are different than when we began. But inside, we remain the same loving couple.

And so once more
Love Forever

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